Piedmont POA

 Ethical Behavior

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Community Oriented, Purpose Driven

The Piedmont Police Officers Association was organized for the purpose of serving the community of Piedmont, its residents, and perpetuating the memory and spirit of police officers who have given their lives in the line of duty.

Our mission is to partner with the community and provide quality police services through community interaction that emphasize cooperation, professionalism and ethical behavior.

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Featured News

We know our community is facing a whole new set of challenges each and every day while we’re all doing our fair share to remain indoors and protect each other from the recent Coronavirus outbreak. Whi...
Here are some preventative methods and information via the World Health Organization that can help keep our community informed and safe while we all face new challenges during the current Coronavirus ...

Featured News

We know our community is facing a whole new set of challenges each and every day while we’re all doing our fair share to remain indoors and protect each other from the recent Coronavirus outbreak. Whi...
Here are some preventative methods and information via the World Health Organization that can help keep our community informed and safe while we all face new challenges during the current Coronavirus ...

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Copyright © PiedmontPOA.org
Website built and maintained by New Equity Productions/NEP Inc.

NEP is a Union Workplace!
Proud Member of CWA L-9003